Suffed Medjool Dates

I love dates and have loved them all my life – they come in many forms, types and sorts. Apart from some few, they are lovely sweet and caramelly. When I began my journey into a healthier lifestyle, they were my rescue and alternative candy, but they have developed into being so much more. As I used them more and more, I discovered how versatile they are and how many different desserts you can use them for.

Dates have a special place in Muslim culture especially with regards to Ramadan, as we break our fast with an uneven number of dates (it is a recommendation to do this). Since childhood I have always eaten Deglet Nour – the Algerian date, but as an adult I have been introduced to different types. Some of these I do not enjoy, but Medjool dates must be the date I really love for its perfect structure and caramel like taste.

Around Ramadan the Internet and social media boom with lovely stuffed dates with different glazes and stuffing – all so beautiful and most certainly tasty. The issue is that dates are already very sweet and contain lots of fruit sugar that will affect your blood sugar, so adding a sugary filling and a glaze of white or milk chocolate will further affect the blood sugar. This made me want to make equally beautiful stuffed dates, but in a version only stuffed with goodness and clean ingredients.

I usually have my dates with walnuts as the taste of these two go very well together. Furthermore, adding some fat to a high carb item – which the date is, does not affect your blood sugar as much as having the date without fat. I found some 85% chocolate, some nuts, dried fruits and made my version of stuffed medjool dates for this Ramadan. You can stuff yours with the same ingredients as I did or choose your favorite from each category. For instance, I used peanut butter, you can swop it for almond or cashew butter. You can use any nut you like, or use licorice powder or freeze-dried blueberries or strawberries. You could even try an exotic stuffed date with dried pineapple, mango or papaya. If you have the time, you can make your own healthy marzipan or a filling of coconut – yum. It seems I have to go back to the kitchen after writing this post to make new versions.

Well enough said – they taste divine and you have to administer self-control not to eat more than one. I urge you to try them out and tell me what you think or even share your version on social media (please tag me).

Stuffed Medjool Dates

Stuffed Medjool Dates:


Medjool dates (the amount you prefer)

Suggestion for filling (these are for inspiration and the ones I used for this batch):

Nut butter: peanut butter.

Freeze dried berries: raspberry.

Dried berries: goji berries.

Nuts: peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, coconut flakes.


85% dark chocolate (or darker).

  1. Find out what ingredients you want to use as filling.
  2. Wash the dates and dry them in a tea towel.
  3. Pit the dates.
  4. Melt the chocolate over a water bath.
  5. Fill your dates as you like, you can mix and match just as crazy as you want.
  6. Let set in a cool place or the fridge.

In this batch, I stuffed my dates as follows:

  • Peanut butter, chocolate glaze on the top and freeze-dried raspberries.
  • Almonds and goji berries.
  • Peanuts, chocolate glaze on the top and coconut flakes.
  • Melted chocolate inside the date and pistachios.
  • The classic: just walnuts, and actually my favorite.

Enjoy and share with friends and family – perfect for any season or occasion.

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