Grain Free Bread

It has been a while since I posted any new recipes. I have many ideas and new recipes I wish to share but my health is so fluctuating that it unfortunately is the blog that takes the toll. I hope that I, someday can be more regular in posting on the blog and the social media. But for now; I have to take care of my health and accept the situation as it is. That can be hard but also lifechanging as you have to reconsider your priority in life, and right now I prioritize to workout (even though it exhausts me), to rest (even though I feel lazy) and what is left I use on my family, because in the end they matter the most and I already feel guilty for not being the mom I wished to be – and yes guilt is not a positive feeling for my health and I am working on that aspect as well, trying to be more loving and understating towards myself. Well now down to business – the bread business.

So today I would like to share a very simple and yet quite important recipe. It is my go-to recipe for grain-free bread (or Stone Age bread as we call it in Denmark) as it is simple and easy to make. This way I can make grain-free bread in no time and always have it at home. It is great if I need a snack in a hurry or if I don’t have time to prepare a lunch, then this bread saves me! Because I can make an open sandwich in no time with some good protein and have some veggies on the side. It also tastes great with some peanut butter, banana and cinnamon as a snack.

The bread is high in fiber, protein and healthy fats so it is a great source of energy, keeps you full for longer and stabilizes your blood sugar as well as aids your digestion with the fibers. It is also gluten-free

Mixing the dough for the bread will not take you more than 5-10 min at a maximum and them you can relax and wait for the bread to bake and enjoy. It freezes well you so can easily keep half of it in the freezer.

Grain Free Bread

One loaf of bread.


100 grams pumpkin seeds

200 grams sunflower seeds

100 grams flaxseeds

100 grams sesame seeds

100 grams hazelnuts

50 ml olive oil

2 teaspoon salt

5 eggs

  1. Heat oven to 160 degrees C.
  2. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Add the eggs and olive oil and mix well.
  4. Line a 1. L bread pan and add the batter. If you wish you can top the bread with some more seeds for decoration. I sometimes like to add some nigella seeds or hemp seeds, but any you prefer will be just fine.
  5. Bake for one hour.
  6. Allow to cool on a rack, remove from pan and enjoy. Keep cool and refrigerate after 1 day.
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