Fennel Walnut Salad

Summer is over us here in Denmark and my children cannot wait for summer vacation to start so they can take a rest from school – summer is a busy time with four children, I can assure you of that. Luckily, we are also spending some time in Spain so that we can get away from everyday life and rest a bit, I am looking forward to that and I am very thankful for the opportunity. Spain is a lovely country with great weather and we enjoy our time there. I am especially looking forward to the summer heat, some find it too much in south of Spain, but I experience less pain (fibromyalgia) when I am in the heat – so bring it on. Furthermore, I love the beautiful architecture there and all the fresh vegetables that call for great salads with wonderful Spanish olive oil.

Today I found a big fennel in the supermarket and though it would be great for a salad – a fresh salad with a lovely fennel taste, that would go well with some chicken for dinner maybe?

I love my kale and nearly always use kale of some sort in my salads but today I felt like trying without any kale, so I paired the fennel with apples for some sweetness and a good crunch, walnuts to add some fat and a subtle counterplay to the taste of the fennel and apple. Last but not least I choose a to make the dressing sour, also as a counterplay to the other ingredients in the salad. I am actually quite happy with the outcome and will be making this salad again – it really went well with chicken.

Easy peasy and lovely salad for you next dinner – your welcome 😊

Fennel Walnut Salad

Yields 4 portions as a side dish


50 g walnuts, roasted on a dry pan 5-10 min

1 fennel, thinly sliced

1 green bell pepper, in cubes

4 radishes, thinly sliced

1 apple, thinly sliced

1 spring onion, thinly sliced


½ lemon, juiced

1 table spoon apple cider vinegar

2 table spoons olive oil

1 table spoon black cumin seeds

Salt and pepper

  1. Prepare all the vegetables by slicing them thinly, mix in a large bowl.
  2. Mix the dressing ingredients and pour over the vegetables.
  3. Chop the walnuts and mix with the salad – enjoy!
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