Broccoli Pan Bread

When eating grain free many people wonder what one actually eats – especially bread seems to be hard for many people to imagine to do without. Well bread can be made with many other types of flours, seeds or veggies.

I first made these pan breads once I had a broccoli that really needed to be eaten so I threw it in the food processor and then thought hmmm what more can I put in? Well one thing led to another and suddenly I had a batter with the brightest green color. I thought that would call for some Hulk pan bread and that the kids would love them – well guess again. They are not easy to fool and figured out they were green because of some kind of vegetable! They tasted them because they loved that I called them Hulk bread – but that was about all. You can’t win every time right…?

These pan breads are easy to make and taste good, they are perfect as a side to stews and actually also good for breakfast or lunch with hummus, avocado and tomatoes or your favorite topping (I have even had them with peanut butter). They also freeze well so you can freeze leftovers and use another time – I recommend heating them before eating them if they are not freshly made.

Broccoli Pan Bread

Approximately 15 pieces.


1 whole broccoli (400-500 grams)

1 medium onion, cut into 4

1 clove of garlic

½ bunch of cilantro or parsley (sometimes I use a green bell pepper)

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon coriander

1 teaspoon garam masala

4 eggs

200 g chickpea flour

Coconut oil for the pan.

  1. Cut the broccoli in smaller pieces and blitz in a food processor.
  2. Add the onion, garlic, cilantro and spices and blitz well.
  3. Add the eggs and turn on the food processor again.
  4. Add the flour and mix well until you have a beautiful green batter.
  5. Heat a large pan and add a little coconut oil – let it melt.
  6. Using a spoon drop 2-3 dollops of batter on the pan and spread out a little. It is important that they are not too thin or too thick (approximately 1 cm).
  7. Turn the pan bread after a few minutes and bake on the other side.
  8. Remove from the pan and make the rest of the bread.
  9. Enjoy warm as you prefer.
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