Chia Pudding with Raspberry Sauce and Nut/Seed Crunch

I am actually amazed every time I make this – how fantastic is it that a tiny seed can turn plant milk into a creamy pudding? And how amazing is it that such a tiny seed contains so much goodness? Protein, fibers, calcium, omega-3 and antioxidants – all ingredients your body needs to stay healthy.

I must also admit that the first time I made chia pudding I was not that happy with it – maybe the recipe I used was not that good. But after using coconut milk and some vanilla I really love it now and the best thing is that the rest of the family also do. It is now our Friday dessert – yay. Before the children used to have candy every Friday, now I have them convinced to have chia pudding and maybe some banana cake or nice cream – I don’t win all Fridays but at least their intake of sugar has been reduced a lot. They love to have the pudding with a berry sauce and maybe some pomegranate or a crunch made out of nuts and seeds – I really love this new family tradition.

Chia pudding is such a versatile dessert, snack, breakfast and can be varied in so many ways and it is a great way to have a healthy meal that will keep you full for a long time.

I make my chia pudding without any sweetener because I always add a sauce made from berries or fruits and some nuts for a crunchy element. If you want a sweeter version you can easily add some agave nectar to sweeten your pudding.

Chia pudding keeps well refrigerated (would say 5 days) so you can easily make a large portion so that you always have a snack ready. If you do not like berries or don’t have the time for the sauce and crunch, you can have your chia pudding with fresh fruit, chopped dark chocolate, chopped nuts or nut butter – I really love to add banana slices and peanut butter – yum!

Chia Pudding


200 ml full fat coconut milk

200 ml almond milk

2 teaspoons vanilla powder

3 table spoons chia seeds

  1. Mix the two types of “milk” in a bowl with a lid.
  2. Mix in the vanilla and the chia seeds, mix well so that all the chia seeds get separated.
  3. Before refrigerating, mix it well a few times. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight.
  4. Before serving: mix and divide in serving glass or bowls. Decorate with fruit, fruitsauce, jam and/or nuts or seed crunch.

Berry sauce


300 g frozen raspberries (or any kind of berry you like)

2 tablespoons agave nectar (add more if you want a sweeter taste)

1 tea spoon vanilla powder

  1. Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan.
  2. Bring to a simmer and gently allow the berries to cook for approximately 5 min.
  3. Adjust the sauce’s taste by adding more agave nectar or some lemon juice if desired.
  4. Let cool before use, and store in the refrigerator.

Nut & Seed crunch:


10 g coconut oil

20 g agave nectar

50 chopped nuts (you can use any type of nut you like, I mostly use almonds and cashews)

100 g mixed seeds (I used sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds)

  1. Melt the coconut oil in a pan and add the agave nectar.
  2. Add the nuts and seeds and mix well.
  3. Turn down the heat and keep mixing until the nuts/seeds are caramelized and crunchy.
  4. Keep in an airtight container ready for use whenever you need it.
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